Gabriel Acevedo

my patterns for this hw

First Pattern:Triad

For this part I used the triad pattern. Triad is where
colors are evenly spaced around equidistant points. What I did
Was get the triad on five different Hues and have two pairs with
the same color. With this I found out that the hues resembled
that of decorations of Easter Sunday, one of the most prominent
catholic holidays. The mixture of yellow with a low value, the
Saturation of purple and blue, it gave me the feelings of easter
morning. Therefore when designing my patterns I felt like hues
with cool saturation would work, and their designs fit perfectly
With the easter aesthetic. I chose hexagon because hexagons are
Like the patterns you see on the easter baskets I used to get
when I was a little kid. Now the next question to address is
how did I come up with the color pattern? When I was looking for
themes on adobe i also felt like doing something easter related
since my mom starting contemplating the easter dinner in the
other room. By doing this I thought of the colors, and by
experimenting with them I found that the triad color pattern is
the perfect formula, as it was able to connect and show the
colors of easter. As for the shapes, I did not feel like using
the generic oval shape, as an egg. I like the style, but just
that will make it no different from other decorations on
easter, the ones you'd see in convenience stores and five below.
When I saw the hexagon tool I immediately thought of my old
easter baskets that I had in elementary school. They were always
filled with toys and chocolate that I ate the same day. That's
When I thought to have the base of the bright hue, to resemble
The color of the basket weaves. After putting that in my first
layer, I made a second layer, to simulate stuff being inside a
basket. To do this I made four ovals-each one having a color from
the pattern, and making them into easter eggs. To have symmetry
in my work, I placed them so that they line up to each other, making a square
like figure with their appearance, and also looking symmetrical to the viewer. With this I then made the grid
have a diagonal slant, rather than the typical square one. This
was done to help the shapes blend together and feel like pieces
of a puzzle. Overall I feel like this pattern is the strongest
out of the two patterns I made for this HW, as I feel the shapes work well to make a tight
pattern. The hexagonal shapes blend well to make a unique pattern
and stand out compared to the other patterns I see in class,instead of just a
square pattern, this is one that takes advantage of the pattern options
and use them to make a unique array of shapes with hues that compliment
each other. Happy easter media class!!

Second Pattern: Mello

This pattern I based it off of one of my favorite anime, Death Note
Death Note has this one character named Mello, a mean, serious, and
Intelligent mafia leader who is ready to solve the mystery of the book
Mello's colors and motif is based off of many movie mafia gang
leaders, however uses lighter colors to symbolize the honesty in him.
Mello is dedicated, and is willing to put his life on the line
to find out who is the owner of the mysterious Death Note and
solve the case before his rival near does
The pattern is based off of this image I used of him:

With this image I captured the hues that define him
I started with the black square as the background of the pattern
The reason black is Mello's outfit usually consists of black hues
and resembles his personality. Mello comes off as cold and strict
like the black, but is much more than he gives off as shown in the
shapes within the pattern as you see. The pink irregular trapezoid
in the top right corner of the square is supposed to ressemble Mellos' scar
that he received in a heist during a major conflict of the story
This is symbolism of the scars and weight it takes on him, an adult
who just only recently is experiencing the hardness of the real
world. The circle on the top right represents Mello's hair, which in
turn represents his intelligent. The hue has a high saturation
and therefore bright. This symbolizes mello's intelligence, and it says he is bright
Unlike his rival Near, Mello is violent, and never hesitant
to fight the people who stands in his way. Nevertheless he breaks the stereotype of
a meathead andalso has critical thinking to his name, being
able to pick up clues and figure out patterns to the perpretrator
The brown star represents religion. In Death Note, there is a
lot of Religious symbolism and comparatives to the catholic and
hebrew bible. While Mello does not resemble any prominent or
Significant figures in the bible, it still is important to the plot points
The darkred hue represents the chocolate he eats throughout the
story, serving as his trademark. I chose this pattern because
I finished binge watching death note a few weeks prior, and I
really wanted to showcase this off at the same time
By incorporating a show i have watched with a school project,
I found I really enjoyed making it and felt less like a chore and more
rewarding on my end. Not to mention, this was more enjoyable to make
than the other one because i did not have to follow a strict or
ideal pattern in order for it to be correct. Instead I just have to
take a preestablished photo on my computer, and put it in the adobe library template
From there I just needed to make slight adjustments, and then
pick out the photos that truly fit mello's character.
I plan to use this to help wrap gift sets, and accessories
such as rings or purses. I also wish to use them in my minecraft
skins to play with my friends in the server, since they do custom builds

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